Behind The Dreams - Bringing WOW Show To Life
In its 37th year, New Zealand’s beloved World of WearableArt hit stages late last week (announcing its bevy of award winners which you can see here), and will veritably WOW audiences in the capital until 13 October.
This year’s theme is ‘Dream Awake’, the programme promising to plunge spectators into “awe-inspiring realms”. This is par for the course for the annual spectacular, which has developed a world-class reputation for mixing performance with awe-inspiring garments designed by its global collective of finalists.
….“WOW really belongs in Wellington,” says Burke. Despite his portfolio as Las Vegas’ showman extraordinaire, he wants to see WOW continue to bloom in the windy city of the Southern Hemisphere.
“I love coming every year to draw out the magic with this vibrant community of creatives”.
Sell-out enthralled audiences appreciate it so much, the TSB Arena is electric on opening night. “The most magical moment is when you evoke an emotion in the audience and they feel something. They feel transported and moved but they don't know exactly why or sometimes remember exactly what it was. This for me is magic.”